Asaba, Delta.
TYPOLOGY : Corporate Campus
CLIENT : Bulwark Ltd.
SIZE : 15530sqm
LOCATION : Delta, Nigeria
STATUS : Construction Documentation
The client, a construction company, wanted a regional base for their organization comprising of a corporate office, clubhouse, accommodation quarters and a construction yard.
In our interpretation of corporate architecture for this scheme, we steered beyond the boundaries of function, aesthetics and stability – the basic qualities of “good architecture”; and into more transposable, immeasurable factors such as transparency, staff motivation, mutual trust. We have focused and paid close attention to those design parameters that directly affect human beings: communication, motivation, creativity and flexibility.
Research has shown that there is a close relationship between these factors and employees’ productivity.
Location of each structure, their orientation and shape, fenestrations, treatment of facades, choice of materials have largely been dictated by nature: sun path, wind directions.